Monday, June 9, 2014

National Football Museum, Manchester


Two days ago (07.06.14) I went to the National Football Museum in Manchester with Akmal.
After 3 years of living here, only now we get the chance to go to the museum. I need to say though, we've been to Old Trafford (MUFC) twice!

I remember Fatin told me something about the building used to be something valuable architecturally and she was very disappointed and perhaps even quite enraged that the building is going to be turned into a football museum.
She sees football as a craze (well, it is!), a mania and it doesn't deserve to be in a building that was built for an artistic exhibition (or something like that). Because of that, subconsciously I tried to support her views and "boycotted" the museum, and I've never suggested to Akmal that we should visit it.

The museum is just in front of Manchester Victoria Rail Station. And just like any other museums in the UK, it's free~

-Because life is a test- -AkMaR-

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