Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pre-Ramadhan Holiday!

O yea! Tomorrow is already Ramadhan! :D

Photo by James Besser on Unsplash

I hv had my holiday since 2nd June 2011, how long has it been?
Err...almost 2 months?
Hahaha...I bet I weigh more than I was during EOS5 now :(

And for this past two months, I have done wonders...things I've nvr done before.

I went to watch like, 4 movies?
Cantonese, English and Malay movies. Unfortunate or not, I did not watch any Hindustani movie, heh...

That may sound normal to some people but definitely not to me. I watch an average of two movies in cinema per year :p
And usually, only when the movie has been released for more than 3 weeks.

I also became the driver and the big mam of the hse when my parents went for their Jakarta holiday and Umrah trip for almost 20days. Went marketing every weekend, and decide what to cook for that day.

Do my errands and not forgetting to fetch my brother and sister from school.

I went to wall climbing twice, and climbed Broga Hill once; this morning; the last day of Syaaban :) with my brothers and maid.



And a whole lot more fun stuff!
Says who holidays are boring?

But anyway, since Ramadhan is coming, I have to slow down.

That's all I guess.
Hope to write more interesting stuff nxt time. :p

p/s: Streamyx speed is giving me headaches and heartaches. And unifi......even more :(

-Because life is a test-


Monday, July 11, 2011

And The Grass is Always Greener on The Other Side


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

People say I should be able to blog more when I am on holiday.
Truth is, I rarely sit at my table during holidays so, bye2 la blogging...
And since the internet has been vry vry slow, it totally killed my interest in blogging :(

Lately...fuh! so many things happened that I think i'll cramp my fingers out just to write them down.

I drove all around KL and Genting for two consecutive whole days, with that terrible cough making my face turned red and blue trying to hold them in.
I had occasional idiopathic headaches.
Photoshoot (bunyi mcm model je..) here and there.

Bersih 2.0

Oh btw, Bersih 2.0!
Honestly I did not read newspapers neither do I watch news so I wasnt really updated with this Bersih thing.

But despite that ignorance, i can see this Bersih thing has been uglified.

Lawak la! Suddenly there is a silat team, ready to protect the country.
Then comes the red shirt group.
Then comes the declaration that the Bersih assembly is illegal.

*ok, dont know which one comes 1st bcos I did not really follow the news*

And another thing, after all that scary-mary news and warnings given by the government, my mother quarantined me at home :(

Since my parents are not in Msia now, they put the whole responsibility of keeping me and bros at home, to myself.
And if not bcos I had to go and take my bro's report card at sch, I wont even walk out of the gate on Saturday. =.="

She's vry worried that I may get caught even if I went into KL wout joining the Bersih assembly.
I am a govt-sponsored stdnt after all. =.="

Tapi kan, the ppl in Bersih may not be that Bersih after all.
Of course, those crowd that went out and assemble are sincere, but we nvr know the ultimate mission and objective behind the organisers and the funding organisations, do we?

Btw, this is quite a cool video.

Ok la. that's all the update for now.

-Because life is a test-
