Monday, December 1, 2014

My Definition of Feminism


So that day I watched this one advert in the tele, and it went like this....

A girl, with oily, dull face and some pimple scars was trying to park her car in front of a building.
There were some men outside, nearby to where she was and were looking at her.
Then, she came out of the car and one of the man shouted at her "Hoi, x boleh parking sini laaa. Pergi! Pergi"
(I can't remember the EXACT dialogue but u get the message)

So she was sad and annoyed and went back into her car with some revengeful intentions.
She took out her cosmetic set, put on her make up there and then in the car (nevermind the fact her face was really oily at that time and girls, you should wash your face before applying any make up!).

After her makeover, she came out of the car and one of the men who were looking at her with disgust just now, rushed to her car and get her car keys frm her, to valet park her car!

And she walked into the building with pride~

And so, I was disgusted with the motion the advert brings.

Like seriously?
Serendah macam tu ke martabat seorg perempuan yg diorg nk bawak skrg?
Kalau cantik, apa pun bolehhh... Klo x cantik, "Eh hello..get lost from here!"

So klo prmpn x cantik, muka tgh oily accident tepi jalan, tayar letup ke apa ke, mmg sekian la x pyh harap ada white knight dtg selamatkan?
IMHO, bkn white knight yg patut selamatkn, mmg all lelaki shd help women in distress - to HELP, not to flirt.

I know now that may not be the case, ada je prmpn yg x berapa nk fashionable but still get help and fair treatment from people. But if this is the concept of adverts, in the future we will start to think this way; you want help? Be pretty!

I think the feminism force in Malaysia especially should focus to counter these types of advertisements.
The adverts that focus that a woman must use their products to be beautiful to get people's attention and be seen.
I know women like beauty, but I think the beauty should be used to boost her own confidence, and be able to walk head held high in the public.
Not to get a man, get a parking space or simply getting a fair treatment.

Mmg, I can't deny that during some occasions, I tend to dress more, or perhaps more precisely, more appropriate.
I went to KKM to ask about my job intake and I wear very nice attire and made myself up a little bit. I had a feeling if I look better, then the KKM officer will not be annoyed with my thousands of questions so easily.
Sometimes, when a person looks not-too-good, syaitan berbisik and ckp "Dh, x suka la tgk muka dia. Cpt2, halau dia pegi"
So, klo kita pkai cantik skit, org tu boleh la layan soalan2 kita yg beribu2 ni lama2 skit.

Feminism should not focus on getting a woman everything a man gets.
Feminism should be on striving to get what a woman should get.

Dulu waktu KTM bru introduce ladies coach; tu yg pink comel2 tu, I can't understand why a certain feminism champion organisation rejects the idea.
The reason given was kenapa nak perkecilkan kudrat seorang perempuan? Perempuan pun boleh tahan la nk dduk koc dengan lelaki. Ingat perempuan ni lemah sgt ke?
Haaaa...tu la hujah yang diberikan oleh seorang wanita ni, yang mewakili satu persatuan wanita ni.

I really felt like biting her head off.

Makcik, cuba pi naik ktm tu pkul 5 ptg on hari bekerja.
From KL balik Serdang.
Tgk makcik diri kt dalam coach tu ngn sape.
Tgk ketiak sape yg ada dekattt ngn our face at that time.
Tgk mcm mana punya sesakkk berhimpit2 until we are not even sure "Ni aku ni tgh kena raba ke org ni tergesel je ni?"

Dh ada org nk protect kita from benda2 mcm ni, baguih la tu.
Why did she feel the women's coach is actually seeing a woman as being weak that we need our own coach?

Having said all these, I am not sure if men face the same problem.
Ada ke perempuan2 di luar sana yg tgk "Eh mamat ni x hensem la, rambut leperr je... x pyh la kasi dia discount"?


-Because life is a test-



  1. Hey Akmar,
    I know you are busy and everything esp with the job applications you have mentioned in your posts but i wanted to ask you something about IMUs PMS programme and it had to be someone who has gone through it not just advice on the net…
    I was accepted into IMU with less than the ABB and i am afraid it will mess up my matching chances? does A level count towards that? Also can a UK uni refuse if I have less than that? how did you manage to match into a completely different country despite JPA allowing to pay only for Galway in a different country?
    Please tell me more about the matching process etc(some people say you choose 3 units others say 5 others say all??) and does everyone have to sit for exams like USMLE even if they never want america?
    Sorry for the long rant but you update regularly and have gone throughout it all so I just wanted an experienced opinion?
    N.B:if it is not too personal, why did you apply for foundation yr 1 posts in UK?

  2. Hey Akmar,
    I know you are busy and everything esp with the job applications you have mentioned in your posts but i wanted to ask you something about IMUs PMS programme and it had to be someone who has gone through it not just advice on the net…
    I was accepted into IMU with less than the ABB and i am afraid it will mess up my matching chances? does A level count towards that? Also can a UK uni refuse if I have less than that? how did you manage to match into a completely different country despite JPA allowing to pay only for Galway in a different country?
    Please tell me more about the matching process etc(some people say you choose 3 units others say 5 others say all??) and does everyone have to sit for exams like USMLE even if they never want america?
    Sorry for the long rant but you update regularly and have gone throughout it all so I just wanted an experienced opinion?
    N.B:if it is not too personal, why did you apply for foundation yr 1 posts in UK?

  3. Hi anonymous,

    I've started working so I was very busy didn't even check my mails.

    1) Does A level count towards that? Also can a UK uni refuse if I have less than that?
    NO. I dont think it matters anymore at the time of matching.

    2) How did you manage to match into a completely different country despite JPA allowing to pay only for Galway in a different country?
    It's my destiny. I put Mcr as my first UK choice.

    3) Please tell me more about the matching process etc(some people say you choose 3 units others say 5 others say all??)
    I left IMU 4yrs ago so I am not sure if they use the same system still. But during my time, I need to rank all the universities. By the time it gets to option 10 and so on, it was just a matter of putting in the numbers.

    4) and does everyone have to sit for exams like USMLE even if they never want america?
    NOPE. USMLE only for those applying to TJU.

    5) N.B:if it is not too personal, why did you apply for foundation yr 1 posts in UK?
    I didn't apply for FY1 post in UK. Where did u get the idea?

  4. HIIII Akmar,
    same person…from last 2 comments.
    How is work?? Different? Hope all is well. Feel like I know so much about you just from your blog( I am not stalking….
    Those answers really helped. I hope you don't find it irritating that I keep asking about stuff you finished ages ago….
    Ohhhhh I meant why DIDN'T you apply for FY1?
    I am still reading your blog(yes, from beginning to end and I am at the part where you just started placements an univ of manchester and you had 2 rude classmates with you…other than that, would you ever say you regret doing clinical yrs in manchester?
    I know I sour so nosy but its so nice to find some one who's already gone through the course you have been accepted on...

  5. Work is......tiring but fun la. Learn a lot new things.
    I plan to write one post abt it.

    I didnt apply for F1 job in UK because
    1) Im a JPA scholar, i need to come home
    2) My wholee family clan is here, I'll miss them desperately.

    Nope, I do not regret clinical yrs in Manchester - perhaps i will give my reasons in the post (hopefully!)
    Hv u been accepted into IMU? Which semester are u in now?

  6. Hey Akmar,
    I am the ME1/15 batch so i will be there in roughly a month. So for now just researching all the gloriness of first year med horror stories.(any tips??)
    You are so luckyyyyyy. I would die of happiness if I could help my parents out financially like that. So will JPA sponsor any masters or PhDs that you might think of doing?
    I dint mean regret in the bad way, I mean any things you could have done yourself to prepare better? Like were your expectations like too high initially?
