I went through
Part 1 - here and
Part 2 - here
Now let's go through my Obs Gynae posting.
Third Posting: Obs Gynae
This could have been the most emotional (and I was not the emotional one), loud, full of screaming ladies (doctors, patients and nurses) and medico-legally dangerous department.I tagged the longest in this department; due to the high off-tag requirements.
We had to conduct 10 vaginal deliveries and episiotomies (a super hard task) and assisted in 5 emergency caesarean sections (among others).
Why was conducting 10 vaginal deliveries hard to achieve considering the high birth rate in Malaysia?
That was because during that exact period I was tagging with perhaps 8 other HOs - our hospital labour room was under renovation. We sent notices and diverted most of our patients to other nearest hospitals (and they hated us for it). We accepted only emergencies, and had to make patients sign disclaimer forms that they are aware of our "under renovation" status and will accept whatever shortcomings (which included less beds, no husband allowed during deliveries and no second class rooms).
The birth rate in the hospital dropped by more than half during those periods.
Hence for 8 HOs to get 10 deliveries per person (not to forget, we also had to fight for patients with the student midwives) was out of reach. They then reduced the requirement to 8 deliveries.
And I only managed to achieve them after about 3 weeks I think (or was it 4 weeks?)
The Constant Screaming
For some obvious reasons, the department is full of women. Women everywhere.All the nurses were women. The patients were of course women too. I had only 2 male MOs at that time; the rest were women (which I think made these male MOs became womanly emotional too).
The labour room was always full of screaming women and nurses. The women screamed to get the baby out while the nurses screamed to "impart energy" to the woman to get the baby out. And when problem arises, we doctors are called and we join the screaming process too
😒 😒
"OK puan, satu dua tiga beraaaaakk!!!"
Then if when we had to vaccuum or go for emergency caesar, we shout "Vaccuuummm!!" or "Caesaaaarr!!"
If baby's shoulder stuck, we scream "Shoulder stuccckkk!!!"
If baby born flat (not crying), we shout "Baby flaaaaattt!!!"
If post delivery, the mother was still bleeding vaginally, the nurse will shout "Doktorrr! Patient ooozinggg!!"
Oh so much drama.
I think O&G was the only department that literally screaming for help is totally the norm, and happen pretty often.
Not only that, the MOs were shouting every where too.
"Houseman labour rooomm!!! Datang siniii!!!"
And the labour room housemen will come running, while the housemen in PAC will start peeping into labour room; being kepochi Why? Why? Who screwed up?
The Malignant Specialist
We term someone malignant when he or she is very destructive, hate-able and scary; just like a cancer.And there was this one relatively new malignant specialist in the department.
Oh my God, mulut dia cabul gler. She can guiltlessly call us "Down Syndrome", "useless", "kau ni bodoh eh?", "kau ni belajar kt universiti longkang ke?!" and things like that. With her eyes glaring down (or up) at you, it felt as if they are going to pop out of her eye sockets.
She even said to a patient who didn't know she was pregnant: "Puan ni tak tengok cermin ke? Tak rasa ke u dah gemuk sikit?"
😑 😑 😵 😵
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Outing postcall with Nisa during O&G time. Well, she was postcall. I wasn't! |
Since I was already in my 3rd, and Nisa in her 4th posting, ktorg dh pandai cari masa untuk pergi makan 😬 😬
The Brutal Miscarriages
After about 2 months in Obstetrics, I then went on to the Gynaecology part of the posting.Gynaecology deals with women health, rather than maternal health.
And God, I saw so many miscarriages so brutally happened. And they were nothing like in the television.
Contrary to the Obstetrics part; the Gynaecology part was so not dramatic; even when there should be some.
The news of miscarriage was broken to the ladies almost inhumanely.
And I talked about that before, in my post titled "I am sorry I can't save your baby".
I'm sorry, we doctors sometimes can be very savage.
After 4 months of drama and emotions and shoutings (no, I did not cry in this posting), I went on to General Surgery. Where bed sores, sacral sores, abscesses and CPRs became almost daily. *cries blood*
-Because life is a test-
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