Thursday, August 22, 2019

Of Dr Zakir Naik and Malaysiakini

I rarely talk about political issues nowadays. But I just need a place to pin them down for now.
Lately, there have been many racial conflicts within the people of Malaysia.
And I hate them. I think these issues are brought up by certain irresponsible parties to purposely create the tension and fear among Malaysians and hence in return, these people will feel they have someone fighting for them and thus, supporting these people.

Other than the teachings of khat/calligraphy, the usage of Jawi writings, the talks about the abolishment of vernacular schools as well as the UEC exam, Dr Zakir Naik has lately become the talks of the town.

I was familiarised with Dr Zakir Naik since my A-Level years, circa 2008-2009.
We had a Friendly Comparative Religion (FCR) talk in INTEC and Mr Shah Kirit was the Muslim representative in the debate.
From then on, I was introduced to Brother MY who then introduced me to the FCR community and I went to the part 1 training course.
And I was absolutely enchanted. I was amazed by these people who have Quranic verses at the tips of their fingers and can easily quote them. Dr Zakir Naik was also heavily quoted, and he was dubbed the "Master of Comparative Religion"

Around the same period of time, my mother was also heavily involved in Malaysian Chinese Muslim Assc (MACMA) and we had a few encounters with Mr Shah Kirit as well. From there, I found out that Mr Shah Kirit is the disciple of Dr Zakir Naik. He underwent intense training in India. There were talks that there were 5 Malaysian men sent to study with Dr ZN but only 2 or 3 made it and Shah Kirit was one of them.
So yeah I was introduced to Dr ZN from my academic as well as family involvements.

I used to listen to his talks and read books on comparative religion. Then I went to the UK.
Then it came to a halt. I lost contact with these things.
But I still believe in him. Occasionally I read some horrible news about Dr Zakir Naik, but I didn't pay much attention to it.
In fact, I wasn't really interested in finding out. At that time, I thought it was either 1) People are really trying to bring him down or 2) He really was a big-time deceiver. The second option was more depressing hence I hoped the former was true. But I did nothing to find out.
News about him comes and goes.
Then he came to Malaysia, something about he is trying to run from unfair treatment in India or something.

Then, past few weeks he became the talks of Malaysian.
Malaysiakini has deceivingly quoted his sentences out of context and made him sound very politically incorrect and racist, and provocative. When I first saw the news by Malaysiakini, I immediately felt I must stand by his side.
I lost trust in Malaysiakini many years back after I started working.

When I was in the UK, Malaysiakini used to be my homepage. Yes, Malaysiakini INSTEAD OF Google or Yahoo was my homepage.
I didn't wanna miss things happening in Malaysia, as I was thousands of miles away.
But over time I find Malaysiakini very disturbing and offensive. They blow issues out of proportion and sometimes even their headlines are very misleading. Especially political and racial ones. Hence I stopped reading them entirely - out of my own judgment.

Then this happened.

See la, see the headline.
Outrageously provocative. Equivalent to Utusan Malaysia's "Apa Lagi Cina Mahu?"
This headline obviously tried to spark anger among the Chinese in Malaysia.
And as expected, BOOM.
Even Syed Saddiq the minister wanted to chase Dr ZN out, despite the PM, Dr M adamantly states he will not deport Dr ZN out of Malaysia.

Thank God for the advanced technology.
There is a full recording of Dr ZN's talk that night and no, he didn't mean to tell Malaysians to chase Chinese out before thinking of deporting him. But the damage is done. Jumpy people jumped, people already started cursing, the boat has sailed.
And so Dr ZN publicly apologised for the hurtings some people felt.
And walaah, some people took it as him admitting to his mistakes of chasing the Chinese out of Malaysia.
See how some people twist and turn words to make it politically advantageous to them?

Thank God also, our Muftis stand by him.
Muftis of Pahang, Perlis, WPKL, Pulau Pinang, Hadi Awang of PAS and many other renowned ulama' of Malaysia stood by him.

And so will I.
Oh, I just found out that Dr Zakir Naik is a medical doctor 😁😁

-Because life is a test-

Imam as-Syafi'i pernah berkata: Nanti di akhir zaman banyak Ulama yang membingungkan Ummat, sehingga Ummat bingung memilih mana Ulama Warosatul Anbiya dan mana Ulama Suu yang menyesatkan.

Lantas murid Imam as-Syafi'i bertanya "Ulama seperti apa yg kami harus ikuti di akhir zaman wahai guru?"

Beliau menjawab: "Ikutilah ulama yang dibenci kaum kafir, kaum munafiq, dan kaum fasik. Dan jauhilah ulama yg disenangi kaum kafir, kaum munafiq, dan kaum fasik."

وسئل الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله تعالى: كيف تعرف أهل الحق في زمن الفتن؟! فقال: اتبع سهام العدو فهي ترشدك إليهم

Imam as-Syafi'i pernah ditanya oleh muridnya tentang bagaimana caranya kita mengetahui pengikut kebenaran di akhir zaman yang penuh fitnah?

Jawab beliau: "Perhatikanlah panah-panah musuh (ditujukan kepada siapa) maka ia akan menunjukmu siapa pengikut kebenaran."

Jadi pilihlah dan ikutlah ulama dengan ciri berikut agar selamat di zaman penuh fitnah ini:

➖ Ulama yang paling dibenci dan tidak disukai orang kafir
➖ Ulama yang paling tidak disukai orang munafik
➖ Ulama yang keras terhadap orang kafir yang mengganggu
➖ Ulama yang lemah lembut terhadap orang Islam
➖ Ulama yang tidak peduli dengan caci maki orang kafir sepanjang menyuarakan kebenaran
➖ Ulama yang jika kita memandangnya dan mendengar nasihatnya semakin membuat hati kita semangat untuk lebih rajin beribadah

Semoga kita diselamatkan dari fitnah dunia dan fitnah dajjal yang seperti semakin dekat kemunculannya..


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