Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Strawberry Doctors


I spoke about Strawberry Doctors 5 years ago here.
Do I see them now?
Erm, not much.

I do see some of my colleagues who can't make it through housemanship due to the stress, but I won't call them strawberries.
Yes, I see whiners.
I see complainers.
But I don't really see wilters.

I have shouted at some houseman (sorry adiks2), but none of them cried in front of me.
I have seen my friends getting shouted at, but none of us wilted.

But whiners, oh yes there are many.
In fact, they are so many of them that the government had to constantly change and adjust the houseman working hours.
The fight never ends.

-Because life is a test-

14 Aug 2019


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