Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What I Should Write About


Even though I started blogging since 2007, it wasn't until recently that I know where I am going with this blog.

| An Online Journal |
I initially started the blog as an online diary - very private stuff at first and then becoming a little bit lighter, but an online diary nonetheless.

I find I didn't attract many readers in the earlier parts of my blog writing - only my friends read my blog and sometimes commented.
Sometimes I was okay with that - I find solace in writing and I didn't mind people not reading them but sometimes I wasn't - I wished I have more readers and subscribers.
My life definitely wasn't as interesting as Vivy's ðŸ˜‚😂

Reading back my posts from 2007, they were all so precious and memorable.
I am editing most of them now (putting in some pictures to make them more compatible with my new layout) but I am trying really hard not to correct the grammatical errors the 17-year-old me wrote.

I wrote about my first few days in IMU - how I perhaps felt intimidated and exposed with the people and the environment of a private university, coming fresh from a Government-run college.
They might not be interesting to blog readers - but reading them again made me relive those memories and I am glad I wrote them.

| Beauty Tips |
Reading other people's blogs over the years landed me a conclusion - beauty tips sell.
Reviews on makeups, cleansers, facial masks, etc will garner more attention than a post on a boring day in college or at work.

But I am no beautician. I don't even have flawless skin - my skin is at its worst breakout time now that even my inattentive husband noticed them. How could I ever write beauty tips?

I also have my training to be blamed for this: it has been drilled into me - if in doubt, consult a specialist in that area.
Hip fractures? See an orthopaedic, don't come to an Anaesthetist.
Abdominal pain? Either Gynae or surgical.
Persistent nosebleed? ENT.

So naturally, I feel only beauticians should give beauty tips, or at least beautiful people, those blessed with flawless skin and know how to keep them. Or those with not-flawless skin but knows how to hide them well. Unfortunately, I am far from it.
So, no beauty tips from me. The same goes for fashion tips. Uh-oh, bye-bye.

| Experiences and Opinions |

After giving it much thoughts, I find I like to write events I experience so that I can read them back many years. I also like to give opinions even though no one asked me to - I am kehpochi like that.

So I decided to write on my worthy experiences and sometimes unpopular opinions - although I really need to cut my writing short, I tend to write a long lengthy post.
In years to come, I can read them all back and revive those memories.
I also hope along the way, some readers might find them useful or interesting.

| My Resolution |

I should be more concise and focused.
I shall spend more time writing and perfecting my writing so that readers don't stop halfway bored.
I shall read more books to expand my vocab and flourish my writing skills.

I hope I will be a better person, and a better writer as time passes.

'til then!


-Because Life is A Test-


  1. Yes, totally agree with you. But my worry is all about finding niche dalam blogging as when I first started pun I kept thinking about it macam mana nak proceed with my blog. And I wanted to have people read my writing juga, tapi I realize it's a waste of time for that thought becuase it make me unmotivated to proceed with my interest rather than worrying about what good for others. I love your writing, it's very organize! I still learn macam mana nak sambung2 points ni. But so far I feel improvement, I'm sure with more practice, slowly I will find my voice in writing. Have a nice day to you, Akmar!

  2. Thanks Lala for your kind words ❤️ Lets both improve ourselves

  3. This post really hit me. Sometimes I ran out of ideas and I do want to blog about beauty stuff but I have no idea how to do that and I don't know how to put it into words. In the end, I just do what I do best. Sharing all the good places to eat and my current favourites. Sometimes I'd throw one or two travel post yang dah lama sangat peram. Just something for me to look back when I want to.

    1. Yes, writing on subjects that are close to us is easier and it feels more natural too. I like to read people's lives, stories and encounters - it feels real and fresh. I like to read your travel posts too :)
